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Our Consulting Maxims
  1. “Trust” is your best job security
  2. You have no job security, even if you think you do
  3. You are primarily in the customer service business, not the technical business
  4. For a good consultant, your voice is comforting: Be very easy to find
  5. Hourly arrangements of any substantial magnitude require that you have earned your customer’s trust – Fixed price contracts indicate the opposite
  6. The best way to appreciate the value of a good spec is to do a project without one
  7. Customers hate “unhappy surprises” much more than “timely bad news”
  8. Churning by dishonest consultants is the single worst thing that has ever happened to honest consultants
  9. Ongoing business is much more important than maximizing every billable hour
  10. It’s better to give away some time than to throw away your reputation
  11. Detail is comforting to a customer
  12. If the customer doesn’t know you did work off the clock, you don’t get credit for it
  13. If you routinely take ownership for your own mistakes, you’re much more likely to be believed when you claim something is NOT your doing
  14. It’s a huge asset to communicate well — cultivate this skill vigorously
  15. Your references are your reputation in the consulting world
  16. Your customers cannot wonder where your interests are
  17. Customers are comforted by consultants who don’t act entitled to their engagements
  18. The customer is NOT always right
  19. The internet never forgets: don’t provide dirt for your future
  20. If you’re booked up solid, your rates are too low
  21. Your long-term customers are your best customers
  22. The best way to make a lot of money is to make your customers a lot of money
  23. The fear of an empty pipeline is with most consultants constantly, even if they’re very busy
  24. You must know how to read your customer
  25. Your customers are buying your judgment, not just your time
  26. Being known for your integrity is the Holy Grail of consulting
  27. If you have a reputation for stealing customers, you’ll never be trusted by other professionals
  28. Your references and your experience are far more important than your certifications
  29. Do not BS your customers
  30. “Education” is one of the best investments a consultant can make