With over 100 years of aggregated developer experience, .NET application development is an integral skill-set at DPI.
From analyzing, defining, developing, testing, deployment and maintenance, we ensure all deliverables are reliable, scalable and 100% customized at each development stage. The .NET based solutions offered by us allow you to build cutting-edge applications that support growth and ensure giving you the best ROI.
Custom Development
Custom application development solve problems like no off-the-shelf package can. Written specifically for your business, you won’t have to purchase functions you’ll never use or, change your business processes.
Custom software also becomes your intellectual property so it protects your business and gives you competitive advantage. Owning your software’s IP is a very smart move.
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.Net Core
.NET has entered a new era as it now embraces open source as a core principle and enables .NET applications to run on multiple operating systems. Yes, if developed using .Net Core your code can run on Linux servers.
Kestrel is considered a preferred web server for newer ASP.NET applications. It is based on the libuv library, the same one used by node.js.
It allows ASP.NET Core applications to be run easily on other cross-platform webservers such as Nginx and Apache, without the need to address varying startup configurations.